You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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/// <reference path="./global.d.ts" />
type to = {
url: string;
query?: object | null;
jumpType: string;
search?: string;
} & UniCrazyGlobalTypes.UniCrazyRouterParams;
type from = ({
url: string;
query?: object | null;
search?: string;
} & UniCrazyGlobalTypes.UniCrazyRouterParams) | null | undefined;
interface callWithNext {
(hook: (to: to, from: from, next: Function) => void) : Function;
interface callWithoutNext {
(hook: (to: to, from: from) => void): Function;
interface normalCall {
(call: Function): void;
export const beforeEach: callWithNext;
export const afterEach: callWithoutNext;
export const onError: callWithoutNext;
export const afterNotNext: normalCall;
interface uniCrazyRouter {
beforeEach: callWithNext;
afterEach: callWithoutNext;
onError: callWithoutNext;
afterNotNext: normalCall;
install: any;
declare const uniCrazyRouter: uniCrazyRouter;
export default uniCrazyRouter;
// for Vue2
declare module "vue/types/vue" {
interface Vue {
$routeParams?: object | null;
$passedParams?: object | null;
// for Vue3
declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
interface ComponentCustomProperties {
$routeParams?: object | null;
$passedParams?: object | null;